Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Longer ago Tibby told me that if you want to yell at someone on the computer you use all capital letters. What does it mean if you use larger type and italic letters? Is it just a prettier way of yelling at someone? My niece yelled at me, I think, in her blog--you can go to her blog by clicking on her picture under 'my follower'. She's lucky that I love her so much or I would have to respond in CAPITAL italic letters!!!

Yes, it has been a while since my last update and my only real excuse is---laziness. This is my slow-down time of the year. When it is cold and dark most of the time, I don't have much ambition.

We did have a New Year's Eve gathering like most years. Since Tibby's birthday is New Years Day it is kinda a party for him too. Usually lots of food and after midnight we have birthday cake. Mom, Dad, sister #1 and husband, one of my nieces, husband and baby, one of my nephews, brother #1 and wife. We had a lot of fun and food--subway party sub and tacos. It seems like everyone seemed to catch on to what words make me start gagging. Yes, they like to talk about things that make me gag enough sometimes I think I will throw up. Sounds like fun, does it!?!?!?

My sister-in-law was nice enough to bring me a hostess gift--a cookbook from her church. I was looking through it during our card game and noticed a recipe for 'Puke' How appropriate don't ya think?! And I really wonder if that is what you tell people that they are eating for supper.

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