Friday, January 29, 2010


Just talked to Mom and she says it is cool today in Texas--she also said nobody is really sitting outside today and if you do go out you should maybe wear a jacket. I say POOR BABY!!!! It is 8 degrees here! I told her I was outside today for awhile, wearing a jacket, putting wood in the woodstove!!
Dad is feeling good after yesterday's chemo. Only heartburn last night.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


As you all must already know my parents are done in Texas. Even though I talk to them almost daily, I still miss them---alot. It sadden my to find out that Dad was starting to lose his hair due to his chemo treatments. I hated the idea that someone else was going to shave his head and not me since I am the one that usually cuts his hair.
Thursday morning he goes in for his second chemo treatment--the first one down in Texas. I hope that everything goes well for him down there and doesn't have any worse ill effects than he had here. Please keep him and Mom in your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

The lost wallet

After school today, Meggz and a friend of hers walked to our shop. On the way there they found a wallet in the snow. They brought it in and gave it to Tibby. Tibby opened it to find a name. The name wasn't in the phone book but Meggz' friend reconized it as her bus driver. Tibby called the mayor (also the owner of the school buses) and told him to radio the driver about his lost wallet. A while later the man came in for his wallet. He said thank you but really did not seem overly happy about the safe return of the wallet and all of the contents. Tibby said that there was well over $100.00 in there. Now, had that been me, I would have VERY excited!! I was very happy about the fact that the girls were so honest with that much money. GOOD JOB MEGGZ!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Picher, Oklahoma

Mom just called, they are going to stay the night in Baxter Springs, Kansas. They want to see Picher, Oklahoma in the daylight.

Tibby and I drove through Picher when we took our latest quick road trip. We did not know the history of this town and just happened to pass through it. Windows and doors were either missing or boarded up in most houses and buildings. Everything seemed deserted like a modern ghost town. When we got home we googled the town to learn about it. The town had been shut down by the government--it was too toxic. Google it when you get time, it is really interesting. After we read about the recent events in the town we wish we had looked around a bit more.

I am excited to talk to Mom and Dad tomorrow and find out what they learned.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

They are on their way.

Mom and Dad left for Texas today!!! I am happy that they were finally able to go but----I HATE when they are gone. I miss them already! I wonder when they are coming home.

This morning the 4 of us got up at 7am to meet Mom and Dad at the local cafe for breakfast before they left. The owner of the cafe (sister #1) was nice enough to open at 7:30 so they could get going alittle earlier, she usually opens at 8.
James, Jayne, Mike, Dan, Jenna, Roger, Josh, Mom, Dad, Emers, Meggz, Tibby and myself all enjoyed breakfast and visiting some before Mom, Dad, Dan and Jayne took off at about 9am for their trip south. Dad called this afternoon with a question for me. That was his excuse anyway--I think it was because he already missed me too.

How did I spend my day? Took a nap, helped cut firewood and baked cookies.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I have a problem........

Hi, my name is Tammy and I have a problem. I am addicted to Law & Order. I hate going even a day without watching a least one episode. Three of our cable channels play reruns and still sometimes when I want to watch it isn't on!! I do have a few of the seasons on DVD but it is just not the same. I can usually tell in the first few seconds if I have already seen that episode or not. And even if I have seen it before, I watch it again. I just love the DUN-DUN sound they use.

My co-worker laugh at me when I talk about Bobby, Olivia, Elliot and everyone else like they are real. Aren't they? I mean I do visit with them sometimes many times a day. And the crimes--they are real too!!!

I am upset though, when I get home from work at 6:30 in the morning IT is on!! Why?? They know that I am tired and need to get to bed! I only have a limited amount of time to sleep but I guess crime can not always wait!

I do not need or want help--only understanding--about my addition. If you would get to know the Captain, the District Attorney and his assistant and all of the rest, you would understand too!


Longer ago Tibby told me that if you want to yell at someone on the computer you use all capital letters. What does it mean if you use larger type and italic letters? Is it just a prettier way of yelling at someone? My niece yelled at me, I think, in her blog--you can go to her blog by clicking on her picture under 'my follower'. She's lucky that I love her so much or I would have to respond in CAPITAL italic letters!!!

Yes, it has been a while since my last update and my only real excuse is---laziness. This is my slow-down time of the year. When it is cold and dark most of the time, I don't have much ambition.

We did have a New Year's Eve gathering like most years. Since Tibby's birthday is New Years Day it is kinda a party for him too. Usually lots of food and after midnight we have birthday cake. Mom, Dad, sister #1 and husband, one of my nieces, husband and baby, one of my nephews, brother #1 and wife. We had a lot of fun and food--subway party sub and tacos. It seems like everyone seemed to catch on to what words make me start gagging. Yes, they like to talk about things that make me gag enough sometimes I think I will throw up. Sounds like fun, does it!?!?!?

My sister-in-law was nice enough to bring me a hostess gift--a cookbook from her church. I was looking through it during our card game and noticed a recipe for 'Puke' How appropriate don't ya think?! And I really wonder if that is what you tell people that they are eating for supper.