Sunday, May 30, 2010

Itasca State Park

On Friday morning I got home at 6:45am. Tibby and I were on the road with all the camping gear by 7:45 am. The girls went to their last day of school and we headed to the state park to get a camping spot. My first pick was a spot as close to the bathrooms/showers (a.k.a. running water) as possible. Tibby's first pick was in the more wooded area without the running water. I won. Tibby did admit that it was a nice spot. He just needs to understand that I like to be close to the showers so I don't have to flip-flop across the whole campground, and I don't mean my shoes.

After the girls were done with their school day, Grandpa, Grandma, and Daniel brought them up to the park. We ate supper and visited for a while. Soon after Gpa, Gma and Dan left, we went to bed. I was very tired after not really getting much sleep the previous 36 hours.

After a really good nights sleep, the 4 of us went to the Head Waters and drove around the park. In the afternoon, Mike, Jenna, Daniel, Gpa and Gma arrived. Yes, Gpa and Gma AGAIN. We had asked them to camp with us but they did not want to on a busy weekend. After supper, Ranger Dan had to go to work and Gpa and Gma headed home. The girls and Jenna spent most of the day riding bike around the park. The only complain after biking at least 20 miles was sore butts. Jenna slept in the tent with us and Mike spent the night in his pickup with a HUGH gross looking beetle.

Tibby, Mike and I sat by the fire until about midnight so we could see Ranger Dan in action. He looks so cute in his uniform with his badge and cute little pen!

Sunday morning we woke up to rain. We packed up and headed home. We needed to be home by noon because Meggz had to play in the band for graduation.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

still nothing...........

Still nothing much new and exciting in our family.

Tibby had another job offer the other day. The owner of the Whoopee asked him if he was interested in cooking part-time there. He already makes more an hour at the Double Eagle and the Whoopee will pay him almost as much as I make--that sucks for me!

Meggz had her sport banquet last night. Once again my butt go tired, we had to sit there for 3.5 hours. She did letter in softball so she was happy about that.

Emers did not have to get physical with THAT girl at school, but she did tell her she was a bitch. Yes, Emers finally told her off and now the girl seems kinda scared of Emers.

Me. I have already did 3 of my 6 nights of training for TMA at work. Lot easier work on my back. I did get the results back on my MRI--bone spurs in my neck! And here I always thought that you were the pain in my neck, hehehehe. I don't go back to the doctor until the middle of June, so I don't know what the next plan is.

I hope you lead a more exciting life than I do.........

Friday, May 14, 2010


I have nothing to blog about but since I have people bugging me to blog, here it is.
Nothing exciting has been happening lately. Work and sleep seems to be what I do. I am done with school and will start training at work as a TMA on Sunday night.

Tibby really enjoys his part-time job cooking at the Double Eagle. It is hard for the girls and I to eat supper at home when we know his is cooking there.

Meggz is getting kinda upset with all the rain lately. She says that softball season is boring this year cuz it is always cancelled.

Emers is getting kinda upset with a girl at school. Yesterday she asked if it was OK if she told this girl off. When I told her she should, she said, "What if it gets physical?" Oh Boy! That would be fun to see!

So......there you go. I updated my blog. Hopefully I will come up with something exciting soon to talk to you about.

Monday, May 3, 2010