Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How long will it take?

On Saturday, January 30, Meggz got into trouble and got grounded off the computer and phone until she gets her room clean. And it has to be clean enough for me to approve of it. As of today, this is how it long will it take?

1 comment:

  1. Well, Where do I start. When I was megz age my room looked a lot like hers in the pictures. I used to have to shove everything that was on my floor in my closet when I had friends coming over. I had to actually us a rock to keep the door shut. There were times that I was so nervous I thought it would open and everyhting would come tumbling out. Luckly it never happened. My dad used to tell me he was going to back the sh** spreader up to the window and clean it himself (he never did). I just want you to know that I have changed I hate clutter I keep nothing I don't need. Megz may also become this way, I think it is growing up thing.

    I also have been told my office is so neat and organized. If only they new what my room looked like growing up. I love knowing where everything is.
