Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chocolate Chips

I had to go to Mom and Dad's today to look for some papers they need in Texas. The drive way was not plowed so to not risk getting stuck, I parked at the end and walked to the house. This was not a pleasant walk because if you read my previous post you would already know that I am weak and tired. Plus, I had on my old shoes that are very old and no longer safe to walk in.

When I got up to the house I noticed that the deck had not been shoveled off. Since the shovel was there I decided to be nice and shovel the deck and in front of the garage. Yes, you are probably thinking why? Aren't they in Texas? Yes, but they do not like it to look like they are gone. And with all the snow we are having--it would take too long to melt off the deck.

So, as I am shoveling I fell. Ya know how when kids sit on their butt with their knees bent, and their feet behind them, that is how I landed. It hurt. It still hurts. And I can't take any Tylenol because of my tests on Friday. It is really going to hurt in the morning.

After I slooooowly got up and finished shoveling, I went into the house. I did not find what I needed. By this time I was feeling weaker and alittle sorry for myself. I opened the refrigerator--mostly empty. I opened the freezer--full, but all frozen, feeling more sorry for myself I remembered the CHOCOLATE CHIPS.

Mom is always good for having chocolate chips in the house---don't let me down now!!! I opened the cupboard door to find the spot empty where the Tupperware container ALWAYS sits. CRAP!!!! As I start to shut the door, I see it. An almost empty bag of chocolate chips. Laying there-long forgotten. Yes! You pulled through for me Mom! Everyone knows that she can't quite put in the whole bag!! I am now happy once again. Thinking maybe things will be alright. I start to open the bag. What the Hell!!! They are white. Not the kind that are suppose to be white, but old chocolate white. Now, that is not like Mom at all--wasting chocolate--letting it get white. What a minute. I am not going to eat them but I better not throw them away either. I am sure she remembers that they are there and already has plans to put them in her next batch of cookies when she gets home. LOVE YA MOM!!!!

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