Monday, December 21, 2009

I wish......

Sometimes I wish that I could take my girls back in time with me for a day. I would want them to...
...enjoy a piece of my gma W's chocolate cake with the thick, fudge-like
frosting my gma N playing my play set of drums.
...see how styling my dad looked in his baby blue leisure suit.
...see how fashionalbe my mom looked in her wig and daingle earrings, all ready to go dancing.
...smell the 'homemade bread smell' on my mom when she got home from work as a school cook. my dad act like bacon frying in the pan. (he wouldn't do that anymore)
...go Christmas caroling with the cattle truck and my dad driving it dressed like Santa.

1 comment:

  1. I always rememeber the candy Great Grandma W. had in her candy dish.

    I would love to go back and have one more Apple pie with my great grandma R.

    Loved your post!
