Wednesday, November 4, 2009

And then there was light!

I cleaned my kitchen! And it only took me two days. NO! It was not that dirty (I don't think) but I only clean at night. Why at night? Because, I have no ambition during the daylight hours. I started cleaning at about 8pm or so and clean until everyone went to bed. I even cleaned behind the fridge and stove, inside and outside of the dishwasher and washed the light. While doing the light I was thinking about when was the last time that I washed it? I never have. Gross-no wonder it wasn't very bright in there at night. We put this light up about 4 years ago. Really, it did not look like 4 years of dirt on it but was bad.
And why is it that we need to clean the areas behind things. No one sees it. No one says, My goodness it sure is clean behind your fridge. But--if it got really bad and dust balls were rolling out from under it you sure would notice.

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